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McGuanes Landscaping and Tree Service Inc. Pruning Two Apple Trees

Martin McGuane: There are several things to consider when pruning a tree. In younger trees, we want to develop structure. In older trees, we want to maintain structure.

It is important to first define why you are pruning the tree in the first place. Are you pruning it for ornamental value or for fruit production? The answer to this question will dictate your pruning approach.

This client was concerned with the ornamental value of these two particular trees.

When pruning any tree, we want to be concerned with a tree’s past health as well as its future health.

As you can see this tree has no dead branches or crossing branches on it; this is a direct result of years of pruning.

When making a pruning cut, we spend a lot of time making sure that we are pruning the right limbs and we are making proper cuts.

Making the proper cuts ensures that the tree will heal properly, keeping out insects and disease.

These two trees have been under our care for over 20 years.

They are two of our best flowering trees and in addition to that they have outstanding fruit. This is a direct result of proper care.